Good morning everyone! Since I have started my blog I have been focused on food and how to make simple and local foods, but today is a bit different. I want to talk about a cause called Athena's Cup . Athena’s Home Novelties is hosting its largest fundraiser to date. In their fight against Breast Cancer, they are asking for a mere $5.00 donation along with a bra or bras to be hooked together in October 2011. In helping to fight the cause, we may even break the bra-chain world record of 169,000 bras!
That's basically it in a nutshell. I want your Bras and if you would like to donate $5.00's or any other amount for the fight against Breast Cancer.
So now that we have some information about the impact of this disease I want to share something that happened to me in December of 2010. I went to a Woman's Health appointment to get my yearly tests and they found a lump in my right breast. I immediately began to worry because I was about to go on a trip to visit family. This was on a Friday and by Tuesday I was in another appointment so that they can determine what the lump was.
I was so distraught as I immediately thought the worse. I felt I couldn't continue my trip plans, how was I going to tell my mother that at the age of 30 her daughter had Breast Cancer. I did a lot of crying, research and talking to a few folks who had experienced this before. What scared me the most was the unknown and the fact that I knew Breast Cancer had a high death rate. My aunt (not by blood) had died of Breast Cancer. The emotions that I went through was a wide range of Sadness to Anger. I am happy to report that the lump they found in my breast was NOT Cancer!! I was really relieved and now each year I get a sonogram to insure it's just a lump and nothing cancerous!
I hope my story connected with you in some way and I would love to hear your story and how this terrible disease had impacted your life. Again If you would like to donate your Bra's to Athena's Cup please click on the link and donate. If you are in the Tampa Bay Area then Please email me at and I can come and pick them up. I hope You enjoy your day!