Have you ever cooked something and it didn't turn out just the way you plan? This sometimes happens to me and some of the best recipes I have are from mishaps in the kitchen. I found this photo this morning and couldn't help but laugh as this was Randy's father (The Ol Man as I affectionately call him) Carving the Turkey from Thanksgiving of 09. In which he finds a surprise! Mom had forgotten to take out the giblets!
Now I personally wouldn't find this so hilarious expect that our first Thanksgiving with Randy's parents, almost included the fire department as extra guests. Randy and his dad dropped the turkey and it tipped back in to the oven and caught fire! Randy's mother was trying so hard to make the perfect Thanksgiving dinner for us but I couldn't help but laugh as this was perfect and a great way to welcome me in the family.
I still laugh as this will always be a happy memory and what seems to be a tradition in the family. Personally I have my own kitchen blunders and the scars to show from my cooking escapades. For Instance, I was making Asparagus and crab soup and I was blending the asparagus and I put to much force on the lid and with the suction force of the blender The Lid and towel got caught up in the blades. I was pretty lucky the only thing I lost that night was dinner and not my fingers! Please share your own Kitchen Blunders!